Our audiobooks can be found throughout the fiction and non-fiction IMC stacks and may be located by searching for sound recording or audiobooks in the library catalog.

Big Books
Big books are enlarged picture books designed for group instruction. They are often used to teach emergent readers. These books are stored in large plastic bags in the IMC reading area. A big book call number looks like this: I.M.C. E B1677so2 Big Book

Elementary, middle, and high school students use the IMC’s biography collection. These books are shelved in the IMC’s non-fiction section under the call number 92. Biographies are arranged in alphabetical order by subject. A biography call number looks like this: I.M.C. 92 L7365ph

Board Books
Most board books are shelved together on top of the low shelves in front of the reading area. Others (especially bilingual board books) may be found in the non-fiction collection. Board books are typically used with babies and very young children. Types of board books include movable books, toy books, and sensory books.

These materials are interspersed throughout the non-fiction IMC stacks, and may be located via the library catalog.

Once you can read a chapter book you will want IMC fiction. Our fiction collection contains materials for 3rd graders through 12th graders. Fiction is arranged in alphabetical order by the author’s last name, and then by book title. Representing both classic and contemporary titles, the IMC’s fiction collection is housed in the stacks located next to the non-fiction collection. A fiction call number looks like this: I.M.C. Fic T244ro

The IMC’s graphic novel collection includes fiction and non-fiction materials for school-aged children (PK–12). Most of the fiction graphic novels are shelved in the IMC’s art section under the call number 741. The non-fiction graphic novels can be found throughout the non-fiction section arranged by topic.

We have a growing collection of materials that support literacy. All of these resources are located in the main shelving. The decodable book collection is housed next to the textbooks. See the IMC Literacy Resources Guide for more information.

The IMC’s non-fiction collection includes informational materials for school-aged children (PK–12), most of which correspond to the content areas of the Common Core and Essential Standards. These books are arranged in numerical order using the Dewey Decimal classification. A non-fiction call number looks like this: I.M.C. 567.912 B617me

Picture books are illustrated books designed for young or beginning readers. However, picture books are often used with older students as well. A distinguishing characteristic of a picture book is that the pictures are essential in telling the story. Easy books are housed on the low shelves in front of the reading area and typically serve preschoolers through 2nd graders. The easy books are arranged in alphabetical order by the author’s last name, and then by book title. An easy book call number looks like this: I.M.C. E E332gr3

The non-circulating reference collection includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference materials for school-aged children, as well as professional reference materials for educators. Located along the wall between library instruction rooms 026 and 028, these books have call numbers that look like this: I.M.C. REF 025.43 B678

We have a small reserve collection of Caldecott Medal winners housed on the low shelves next to Frederick the Bear. These books do not circulate but may be used in the library. They are identified by the orange dots on the call number label. There are duplicate copies of these titles in the IMC’s circulating collection.

The non-circulating textbook collection includes North Carolina’s state-adopted K–12 textbooks, teacher texts, workbooks, and manipulatives. Textbooks located on shelves 1–3 have purple dots on the spine and do not circulate. Their call number looks like this:
I.M.C. 807.12 L776 2005
Grade 6 Teacher Ed

Our STEM kits can be found throughout the non-fiction IMC stacks and in closet 028. Visit our STEM guide to discover the various types of kits we have in the collection. Please ask the IMC staff for assistance if you would like to check out a kit.

The Beulah C. Campbell Collection features rare, original illustrations for children’s books. Searchable by keyword, artist, author, or date, the collection is available on the web through Appalachian State Library’s Digital Collections.